Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to antifoul my boat?
Can I put my boat in the water the day after you paint it?
How long after you apply Propspeed to my props & running gear can I put my boat back in the water?
Can you sell me Propspeed so I can apply it myself?
Which antifouling works the best?
Can you sell me antifoul so I can apply it myself?
Do you carry out pre-purchase inspections?
If I supply my own antifoul will you paint my vessel?
Will you paint above the waterline if I supply my own paint?
Do you stock sandpaper, masking tape etc. so I can do my own work?
Do you hire out or loan tools for my own use?
I see you have portable scaffolding. Do you hire it out?
Do you do mechanical repairs, engineering or electrical work?
Why can’t you paint my boat? It’s not raining.
I’m not worried about how good the job will look. Can you just give my boat a quick paint job?
Will you take the GST off my bill? It makes it a lot more expensive.
Why does the work seem to be more expensive than it used to be?
Due to the rules that have been & are being introduced with regards to environmental and personal protection, we are having to spend an increased amount of time in both setting up and putting away the gear associated with these rules. With antifouling the ground has to be washed down to remove any antifouling residue before it dries and becomes dust, free to blow away in the wind. The days of spraying topcoats for major painting projects outside have gone, with just letting the overspray blow away in the wind with no regard to where it goes. Unfortunately it is a fact of life that this costs more and we cannot absorb these costs. Therefore the cost has to be passed onto the customer as part of the job.

Whitianga Marina Hardstand
A/H 07 866 5866
Mitch 0274852046
Phyll 0274852036